Central PA Advisors LLC has brought together two experienced insurance agencies partnering together in one office location to offer more resources and staff to provide you the personal attention that you deserve.
Angela Erickson of Community Benefits Solutions LLC and Richard Costabile of Asset Protectors LLC are located right here in Central PA specializing in Medicare, Health & Life Insurance Solutions. Insurance can be confusing but together we bring years of experience to help you navigate your plan options and make a decision that's best for you.
We are independent insurance agents who have your best interest in mind. We represent a carefully selected group of financially sound and reputable insurance companies. It is our goal to listen to your needs, research your options and help you make an informed decision about your coverage.
We provide a comprehensive personal assessment which includes providing referrals and support services to help clients who qualify for additional benefits through various state and federal programs.
Bilingual staff provides services in Spanish to meet the diverse needs of our communities in south central PA.
Our goal is to develop long lasting client relationships by offering ongoing assistance and support. You can count on us for a timely response and to assist with your concerns year round. Angela and Richard conduct annual reviews with clients to ensure that their coverage is current with the changing healthcare environment.